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Tungsten e-Invoice Network

eInvoicing Network
Modern businesses can’t afford to waste time and money manually processing invoices. Your accounting resources are much better spent on strategic work that grows your business. Digitize your invoicing processes with an eInvoicing network solution that supports a fast, easy, secure global trade operation.

Securely Exchange Electronic Invoices

With an eInvoicing network, you connect your business with your suppliers and financial institutions in one secure digital network. This solution allows you to exchange invoices electronically among all these entities while meeting every compliance requirement.

Automating your invoicing process allows you to free up accounts payable personnel while streamlining payments and giving your suppliers visibility into the status of invoices. With the right solution, you’ll get full compliance in any country and the ability to accommodate suppliers regardless of size or location. Using an eInvoicing network means that your organization won’t even touch an invoice until the data has been validated. With traditional OCR solutions, AP is still responsible for correcting data validations before the invoice enters your workflow and ERP systems. This manual validation is eliminated through the rules and logic applied to the invoice as soon as the eInvoicing network captures it. Only then will the invoice enter your workflow and ERP systems.

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Features and Benefits of Electronic Invoicing

  • Eliminate unnecessary back-office processes through automation
  • Exchange invoice data with suppliers in any format
  • Stay compliant while reducing the potential for fraud and human error
  • Achieve 90% straight-through-processing with automated exception handling
  • Reduce the average cost per invoice down to $2 (from an average of $10.89)
  • Offer easy set up for your suppliers through self-service portals
  • Give your suppliers white-glove onboarding support through your eInvoice solution provider
  • Integrate your existing tools with ease through customized systems integration
  • Get enhanced invoice audit capabilities
  • Better manage your cash flow with real-time data
  • Stop losing money or leaving it on the table by capturing more discounts from your suppliers
  • Enhance spending oversight and analysis

See Greater Scalability

eInvoicing allows you to scale accounting processes more easily — enabling you to add suppliers as needed and process high volumes of invoices without adding headcount.

Reduce Costs

The right eInvoice network solution cuts the costs of handling invoices by more than 50%.

Improve AP Productivity

If they aren’t bogged down by manual invoice processing, your AP personnel can contribute to higher value tasks and achieve productivity that boosts your bottom line.

Streamline Your Supply Chain

When your suppliers have full insight into the status of invoices, they stay satisfied with your working relationship, and your customers reap the benefits of smooth logistics.

Make Smarter Financial Decisions

As automation processes your invoices faster and with greater accuracy, eInvoicing gives you better visibility into your finances in real time. Use this data to make smart decisions about growth and financial moves.

Start Automating Invoicing Today with All Star

If you’re ready to start cutting invoicing costs, improving supplier relationships, and streamlining AP operations, get in touch with All Star today to learn more about eInvoice network.

eInvoicing Overview

Don't miss out on the finer details. Download our comprehensive overview and dive deep into what our solution can do for you.

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